How Your Skin and Underarms will Benefit from a Bentonite Mask
Your face, skin, hair and underarms can all benefit from a bentonite mask.
There are plenty of bentonite mask recipes out there for whipping up an all natural facial and hair mask, but did you know your armpits can also greatly benefit from a bentonite mask too? Yup, it’s really true and that’s why we’ve included it in our special detox box, designed to draw out impurities from your skin and underarms, so you, your partner and your children can make foul body odor a thing of the past. Detoxing with natural detoxifying ingredients will also help transitioning from chemical to natural deodorants much, much easier. Here’s how it works!
What is Bentonite Clay?
Bentonite clay is an absorbent clay with a unique chemical composition which aids in drawing out and absorbing toxins from the skin. When used in a facial mask, or simply anywhere on the body, it works at naturally detoxifying the skin and underarms and can help treat several skin issues.
Skin and Underarm Benefits of a Bentonite Mask Recipe
As we mentioned bentonite clay naturally detoxifies the skin and underarms, but the question is, how will you really notice and reap the benefits of a bentonite mask?
Here’s how:
- Unclogs and Shrinks Pores- bentonite clay works at absorbing all the excess sebum oil on the skin, while it pulls up any dirt that may have found its way inside those pores. Since it also contains astringent properties, it can have the effect of shrinking pores. And yes, even your underarms contain pores and will benefit from this deep clean and pore shrinkage.
- Exfoliates- there’s nothing like a deep exfoliating experience with safe and natural ingredients. Bentonite clay is mildly abrasive, giving it that firm texture to really scrape away any caught dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. While it gently removes dead skin cells which may be an element to stinky underarms, blackheads and pimples, it also further removes bacteria from the underarms and dirt from the skin.
- Armpit detox- bentonite clay is great for those who are transitioning to natural deodorants. Many of the chemicals in non-natural deodorants clog our pores, which prevents us from sweating. Though this may sound like a dream, it's actually trapping bacteria and dirt inside of our bodies that our bodies naturally release. Bentonite clay can help speed up the process of removing those toxins and backed up bacteria, without having to go through weeks of your body trying to accustom itself to its natural rhythm again - which had been disturbed by those potentially dangerous chemicals.
Bentonite Clay DIY Facial Mask Recipes:
Always mix bentonite clay with a plastic or wooden spoon in a ceramic bowl. Avoid metal when mixing DIY recipes with ingredients like bentonite clay. Metal reacts to the clay and changes its chemical composition.
- 1 TBSP bentonite clay
- 1 TBSP activated charcoal
- 1,5 TSP rosemary hydrosol / or witch hazel/ or water
- 2 drops grapefruit essential oil
- 1 drop lemongrass essential oil
Stir together and let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
- 2 tbsp bentonite clay
- 3 drops tea tree oil
- ¼ tsp apple cider vinegar
- Rosewater or distilled water (as needed)
Mix the clay with rosewater first, then add the other ingredients. Leave on the skin until it dries and hardens, then rinse off.
Our Brand New Detox Box
Our brand new detox box will help with the transition to natural deodorant, specifically Play Pits deodorants. Have you ever had an uncomfortable or negative experience with transitioning to natural deodorants? Many times it’s because of the exact reason mentioned above; your body’s way of shedding backed-up bacteria and chemical toxins - which can be quite demanding on your natural deodorant!
This natural transition can take up to a month, depending on your immune system, but the bentonite clay mixed with our ACV tonic was designed exactly for this occasion: to make your transition that much more enjoyable. Play Pits ACV Tonic x Bentonite Mask, when mixed, will draw out impurities and toxins from the underarms. ACV has antifungal properties that kill the odor-causing bacteria and other pathogens that reside in your pits. And bentonite clay, well, you’re already a connoisseur on that one!
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